

GUNDAM Mania【g-29astarothtrinity:MSX-01 Gundam Eos Prototype Close Quarters General Purpose Mobile SuitMy second... August 15, 2019 at 08:51PM】


MSX-01 Gundam Eos

Prototype Close Quarters General Purpose Mobile Suit

My second Gundam type build, utilizing new parts from the “Unseen Assualt” update. Been developing this one for awhile now, but it’s only now advanced to a state where I’m satisfied enough to designate it officially. As it’s MS type suggests, I was building it with close quarter specialization in mind complimented by a power focused parts build. Gundam Dawnbreaker has undergone another retrofit and upgrade, leaving me with an unused Artemis Gundam head unit which this mobile suit inherited. I was originally using the Age Gundam I Titus head unit because the color scheme was nice, but I felt that the Artemis Gundam head was more fitting aesthetically and it offered higher stats too.