

GUNDAM Mania【g-29astarothtrinity:Desk Mobile Suit of the Week: RG RX-178 Gundam Mk. III have a gunpla at my... March 28, 2020 at 02:35PM】


Desk Mobile Suit of the Week: RG RX-178 Gundam Mk. II

I have a gunpla at my office work desk because I like displaying my interests. Since I have to work from home now, I have a wider selection to chose from. Decided that I’ll rotate a gunpla every week. Here are a few photos I took throughout this week for the RG Gundam Mk. II. This kit has aged quite well and is still one of the best Real Grades to date in mu opinion. It’s got the perfect balance of detail, articulation, and aesthetics. It was my first Real Grade so this build is straight built without anything extra. Definitely want to build another one with a more in-depth build one day.